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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Highlands. Chapter 2. The new Song.

       But before leaving for the way, let your heart be more light. Pray to Single God Whom you trust in. And not be afraid. The way is dangerous, but the Great Guarding will guard you.
       Search stores of your memory. Seek in them all that is nice and dear for you.  Let your silent joy be rising. Take there from all able to help you out of the condition of  callousness and nonchalance. Pull all this till tears, not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy begin to scintillate on your eyes, reflecting the light is seen. And this will signify that the Holy Spirit has approached to you just as He approached to the king David. It will signify that in your soul the new Song has begun to sound, the great Song, which the saved are singing. That great new Song that you can't go without. And if you go without the Song, you will can't do even a step. It will seem that you are moving, but just you will set laughing those who is above and whom you still can't understand. They will see only you are pawing the ground, but continue to be standing on the same place.
       Force you hear this Song a prayer can do. Force you to hear this Song, worldly songs can do, these consonant with your soul. Force you hear this Song the bird's voices can do, which glorify God in rivalry in a morning spring forest, when the fresh verdure has come to replace the cold and white death and reminded of the eternal life and of the impossibility of destroying the own "I".
       Know: this great Song is the sound of the strings of your soul, which about, maybe, you guessed never, and if even you felt something, but could not account it, and the Song fell silent under condemnatory glares of the people in your environment.
       However those who were singing this Song, it is not they who were guilty of your loss. Even it was not those persons who laughed at yourself actually or in your fancy. But you yourself have turned away from what is lofty and holy. Turned away from the just One What is able to make you blissful. And now, it's maybe because of the loss, you sick with the body or are getting drunk with wine. Or the others getting drunk on the bottom of the Noisome Ravine who invite you: "Come down to us! We have a remedy for depression. Let's become oblivious together!" And you go after them humbly as a horse, which is leaded by the bridle, plunging deeper and deeper, to get to know all the circles of the hell, all the labyrinths of the underworld, for you have to singe your wings for awakening and seeking a way out.
       So now go out and look for something that would make to play the strings of your soul. You will ask: "What have I to look for?" However I've cited a few examples, but there are much more of them, than I've cited. There are as many of them as people there were, as many as people there are and there will be. It is because everyone's strings of the soul are tuned up in his own way, just one and unique. And so look for it till the resonance will snap into action when the strings of your soul will quaver, when the tears of joy will flash like pure diamonds on your eyes, when the Holy Spirit will approach to you and you will hear the Song, which cannot be rended by a human language, but by different languages unknown on the Earth, languages in which everyone would can say, but their interpretation is done only for those who have risen enough high.
       And if you have heard this Song, you have made the first step, only one step, however an important one, because it is the first one.
       Now remember: no one step can you make it these high mountains, if your soul is keeping silent.

Next chapter:

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